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Old February 9th, 2005
Risky Risky is offline
Join Date: June 25th, 2004
Posts: 27
Risky is flying high

Originally posted by et voilą
Right on, you guess right! It is the behavior of the Pro version. The Pro version is made to make money for LW and does not help the network with the extra connections. 95% of users are using regular LW, so LW behavior in general is 3 UP and 1 idled.
These changes were made by John Marshall, after he consulted with Limewire folks. If you think Limewire Pro opens too many connections, why don't you go flame them about it.

Originally posted by et voilą

Now when are you gonna merge emule code into your frankenstein app? What about Direct connect? Openfasttrack? They all have GPL code available. Hey you already leech, what about including more nonsense?
There are currently no plans to merge emule code into Morpheus, nore any of the other things you mention.

As far as leeching, I seem to recall you always coming up with specific incompatability problems with Morpheus. Each time, you come up with some, they are either already fixed for the next version, or are being worked on. I'm convinced if you did any actual comparative analysis of Morpheus and other clients, you'd find that Morpheus works great most of the time.

Take a look at the BitTorrent integration - I think you'll like what you find.
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