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Old September 29th, 2001
laurentabcdef laurentabcdef is offline
Join Date: September 12th, 2001
Posts: 15
laurentabcdef is flying high

The following can explain what is happening, but its not verified

If you have a slow processor and a cable/dsl this explaination can be correct but not if you have a 1GHZ+ proc.

winamp is using cpu at regular intervall (many times each second) (a few cpu depending of the mp3 biterate and sound card)

If xolox use a lot cpu ( for example to respond to a search query while you are sharing thousand of files) it can prevent one or more winamp cycle to execute, in this case most of the time you will hear clicks or winamp stop, but it can maybe hang winamp or xolox.

the xolox code have to be interuptible, duration of an uninteruptible process should be limited.

using NT4/NT2000 may help because this operating system have a little better mutliprocess driver.

reducing bandwith in xolox may help too by reducing cpu usage.