ok, either you dont like the proposals, you dont like the idea of expanding limewire to become a multi-agent/doing lots of things all in one program, or you just dont like the idea of newcomers proposing new thoughts that could benifit the whole of us. instead you just reply with the answer of no--with a short scapegoat, instead of thinking how it could be implemented, what the impacts would be, and what the greater over-all user experience would result in, you just turn it down.
well your hitting head on with innovation, YOU are starting to feel the effects of the RIAA/MPAA warping your head with their logic of how to prevent innovation... you cant control the internet, and as long as the gnutella protocol improves itself, it should be able to sustain global attacks and have redundancys like the internet itself. as of now, the RIAA/MPAA are lobbying a bill that will give them carteblanche to attack the gnutella network... look, limewire has ABSOLUTELY no way to control the content on the network. and the saying fits perfect here: "if you cant beat 'em, join 'em" so if it makes the user more comfortable to have lots of features in limewire, and they use it more than ever, then this means limewire will grow into something that is so massive and constuctive that it could never be shut down, this would eventually force the mpaa/riaa to finally give up. because the riaa/mpaa wont have enough money to spend on performing attacks, hosting fake files, and nodes that they outsource to other companys...... this will. no law in the world governs the internet, no country owns it, no one person/company/network or agency can stop it, the only way to defeat or shutdown the internet is to look at why it is so perfect... but thats the point, perfection is made by imperfection.. you could however cut sections of the internet off by DoSing the low copacity nodes or slipstreems etc, but this is unlikely to happen because rarely anyone knows these nodes. but in short "We cannot just stop at words, we must go all the way, we must fight for the free, we must never look back at what good we could have done, but always look forward at the good we could do." so lets not stop innovation.. we must keep limewires innovation.
innovation is good, we should act like there are no laws, because on the internet, it is law-less, but that is not to say that there is no manners. limewire should improve without the fear of being sewed. limewire should go on the basis that "limewire and the gnutella protocol does not condone the illegal acts that do occur, but also with the same respect cannot stop any illegal acts that do occur." this would render limewire innocent from what is on the network. i dont blame limewire or the gnutella network for what content is on it. how could you? how could you blame the creator of something for the actions of the user? it shouldnt happen, its not right, its the most unfair kind of judgement out there, and how did limewire condone this kind of activity?
some would say because it even supports the mp3 type files to play INSIDE of limewire, i would consider this a benefit that the user recieves, however we cannot control the content that the mp3 player plays. you also cannot control the content that would be ripped while using a limewire mp3 ripper, so whats the big deal in developing these things? ITS FRIKON INNOVATION!! get that illegal nonsense out of your head. its only illegal IF you share out and download intellectual copyrighted digital media. BUT producing the tools and making them available to the public for ease-of-use doesnt make it illegal, there is software and will always be software that will allow this kind of thing to happen, so why not build it into limewire to put and pull this all together, this makes me wonder what would have happened if the mpaa would have won the VCR case to ban them from the consumer homes...........
just thoughts on why people are scared and affraid of innovation, if the mpaa/riaa would just sit down and think of the MANY ways they could market this new technology that WONT go away (they are just hoping it to magically disapper if they put a few bad files up on the network.) they could end up being the real big-time-winners here.
ps: screw the riaa and mpaa, you guys should be ashamed of yourselves by the very thought of oppresing thoughts, ideas and opinoins. DONT BE SCARED OF THEM!! they cant do crap to you, if they sew you, file for a counter suit for stealing money from you at the checkout lane when you bought an overpriced CD that is only worth no more than $2. << this is the attitude i take to anyone who tries to control me on the internet made up of a free and open protocol. i pay my internet bill every month, and i dont like you trying to get me to pay extra for something that i wouldnt buy if i was forced to.. this is how i look at it (kind if took this attitude once i read a paper--but i relate to it heavily) :
Dear RIAA/MPAA: I understand you dont like the idea of content being available for free on the internet. but you would NEVER have gotten money from me if i couldnt sample it first. this is how i think: if i cant sample it, im not going to pay $15.99 to buy it and realise that its crap. if i sample it first, like it, then i will think about buying it if i think its worth the price. THATS SIMPLE LOGIC!! THATS HOW MOST SHARING USERS THINK! get it through your thick-brains how obvious this is. peace.
ahem, thats it, i can go on forever lol!
Last edited by ultracross; February 9th, 2005 at 09:43 PM.