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Old February 10th, 2005
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arne_bab arne_bab is offline
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You just gave me an idea: It is not what limewire offers, but the way how it is presented, that makes the difference for a judge.

If it offers a ripper, which rips the CDS and then asks "Do you want to share the ripped mp3s in gnutella? Be aware, that sharing copy-protected materials is illegal, as long as the license doesn't eplicitly allows it."

Which means to the judge: We told the Users, that sharing the wrong CDs is illegal, but since there are CDs which can be shared (i.e. creative commons att-sa CDs), we do no wrong.

If teh User doesn't share the CDs, then the folder with the ripped mp3s isn't added to the share, but the mp3s stay ripped. Now we just need to find a good cross-plattform GPLled ripper.

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