Thread: Adware????
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Old February 10th, 2005
ukbobboy01 ukbobboy01 is offline
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Default Anti-Spam - Anti-Spyware


Spam and spyware are two different things, spam is basically unwanted e-mail, usually sent out by a bulk mailer, and spyware is a small program or text file that notes what you do on your PC and secretly reports back to it's owner (which is not you).

So when you scanned your PC looking for spyware with an anti-spam application you weren't really doing anything useful.

As for LW (I use LW Pro 4.1.1), it does not have any spyware in it, and the comment from Peerless about MS AntiSpyware (Beta) software refers to older versions that said LW had spyware. This has now been corrected, the latest version does not report any spyware in LW.

UK Bob

Last edited by ukbobboy01; February 11th, 2005 at 09:08 PM.
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