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Old February 11th, 2005
suider suider is offline
Join Date: February 10th, 2005
Posts: 2
suider is flying high
Default hmmmm..

well, ie doesn't seem to open in a strange size anymore, but limewire still wont open maximized... and i can't seem to find a setting to make it do so...
computer info...

dell inspiron 8600 laptop
1.8 pentium m
512 mb ram
windows xp home sp2
radeon mobility 9600 pro 128mb video
the only strange thing could be my screen re (widescreen: 1680x1050)... but previous versions of lw seemed not to do this
limewire 4.2.2 pro
java 1.5.0_01
and, no... no changes to my video card lately... same one i've had since 'puter was new...
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