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Old September 30th, 2001
gh08t gh08t is offline
Join Date: May 6th, 2001
Posts: 3
gh08t is flying high

I am running 1.12. I uninstalled it just now and made sure the registry key and the xolox directory were deleted. I reinstalled it, same problem.

I noticed one more problem. I have 2 shared directories. F:\share\ and e:\mp3. Both directories are listed twice in the Preferences/Sharing tab, ie, 4 shared dir in total like below:


Also, in the box below where it says "Share only files with these ext", each extension is listed twice as well.

Both drives E & F are local harddisks. I installed Xolox at F:\xolox\ to reduce copying files around.

When I switch to the Files windows, no files are shown. There are files in the shared directories and in their sub directories.

My system:
Abit KT7 motherboad
Athlon 1.2 GHz CPU
512 MB RAM
Two 45GB harddisks (IBM Deskstar) With lots of free space.

I am running Windows 2000 Pro, with ALL the latest patches.

I can email you some screen shots if I have your email address.

As I said before, Xolox is the best guntella client I have tried so far. I really want to keep using it, but it sucks when I can't share my files and become a freeloader.
