This is not a new problem. Search the word Blank on the forum or just look further down the list in the mac sections for similar topics. There can be a few causes. One is that the file name is too long for the OS9 legal file names which I think is restricted to 31 characters. Another is that the file's attributes such as Creator & type have been stripped from it. This may be an issue with those earlier versions of Java.
Solutions. Offhand you can use a utility to fix them like Mac Army Knife.
Just drag & drop these files onto the application you wish to open them with.
Search this topic as suggested & you'll find more details about how to overcome the issue or alternative approaches.
Update your OS to 9.2.2 & update your Java at the same time: & Java here:
MRJ 2.2.6 for OS 9.2.2 OR
MRJ 2.2.5 for OS 8.1-9.2