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Old September 30th, 2001
irish19144 irish19144 is offline
Join Date: September 28th, 2001
Location: Phylthydelfia, PA (Land of Taxes)
Posts: 5
irish19144 is flying high
Default Hostslist.txt saving

Try this... assuming you're in Windows...

Go to Moaks post above awhere he says "try this thread" and look for his attachment of "hostslist.txt". Right-click on that and choose "save target as". When the download window comes up, choose to save it into your Xolox directory directly or into My Documents. If you choose My Documents, as soon as it is downloaded, open My Documents and drag/drop the file into the Xolox directory.

Shut down Xolox and restart... give it a few minutes to download all the hosts in Moak's list.... it's pretty extensive.

Hope that helps!

Mandolin Man