Thread: Having problems
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Old February 16th, 2005
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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As a dial up user you cannot afford much upload bandwidth. I'm a little confused with your set up description. Most dial up services are 56 kbps not 256 kbps. There are some faster dial up services but...

For dial up that's not unusual for download speed. As per normal. Dial up only has a maximum capability of 6 - 7 KB/s.

Some hints for optimising LW (some of these won't be so applicable to a dialup user): A well set-up LW can start to automatically continue its dwnlding after it's settled down perhaps 2 out of 3 times you open LW. Optimising LW & Maximising Uplds & Dwnlds A (1st post only) & also Part B which is even better & last & least are search & dwnld hints. The latter one I've been thinking about re-writing for some time. That's just for playing it safe. eg- I show all speeds & qualities.

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