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Old February 16th, 2005
pil0t_ pil0t_ is offline
Join Date: February 16th, 2005
Posts: 1
pil0t_ is flying high
Unhappy Lime wire causing problems to the computer

Can someone help!!!!

when i run lime wire after awhile or sometimes as soon as i open it and a connection is established, the computer switches off to a blue screen that says "the computer has been shutdown to prevent further damge" and also says something about dumping the physical memory".

i have lime wire 4.4.4. the computer is a dell desktop with windows xp, 256mb, pent 4, 1.8 ghz.....

can someone suggest a solution...

windows suggests to remove the program, but is there a way to run it without these computer crashes, so i dont have to uninstall it.....
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