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Old February 18th, 2005
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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Likewise I have almost 1600 songs in my iTunes Library (I always make sure they're properly id tagged so they are where they're supposed to be), plus several other music folders distributed over 3 partitions for different purposes. Yet I've no issue with finding/locating any of them. Perhaps I have it backed up with 3rd party menu's outside of LW, but even within LW I don't have any confusion about any of them due to the way I've labelled each partition & music folder.

But I'm not saying your concept is not good b/c it is! I was just saying that if the files are well organised (of course includes labelling of all sorts) then there shouldn't be any problems with locating them. (I should make exceptions for my windows b/c that LW version's music is not as well organised! lol But there's a reason for that. lol Too many experimentations I guess.) My mac version is the one I take seriously.

You're just talking about music. I also share a lot of other types of files also. But b/c I have a system for arrangement I know exactly where to find everythng. zzzz It's always worked for me when there's a lot of files involved. But not eveybody has had any of that type of experience of knowing how to categorise, etc. Computers & softw's are knew to a lot of people who use LW. (I'm not pretending I'm any knowledge but just saying I know what tends to work for me depending very much on what's available to me.) But that's me & it takes time for everybody to work out their own systems of arrangement (- if they ever really do effectively.)

As far as recognising particular tracks or remembering where they are ... well other than the above, I guess my interest in music has given me that idea to remember who sings what. lol (I would have to have been a musician eh! lol )

Your idea is good. It's just that perhaps it's not so important to some like me. It will mean a lot to many many others I agree. (My heads about to drop off asleep so

Last edited by Lord of the Rings; February 19th, 2005 at 04:01 PM.
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