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Old February 19th, 2005
Mikeyparks Mikeyparks is offline
Join Date: August 4th, 2002
Posts: 13
Mikeyparks is flying high

Thanks! Shutting down and restarting does give me a tiny bit of extra speed right at first. Then, it quickly bogs down to a hopeless crawl. Whever I start LW up, I keep getting a message about a newer version of Pro, but when I tried to download it, all I got was what I already had; 4.0.2. Come to think of it, it was about the time I started getting that invitation to download the new Pro that my LW speed went down the tubes. Yes, I can still download files, it's just a painful experience rather than the joy it once was. Like rowing a boat in a sea of tar. Wah, wah, poor me.
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