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Old February 20th, 2005
sberlin sberlin is offline
Software Developer
Join Date: November 4th, 2002
Location: New York
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sberlin is flying high

Hi jimmy,

Based on the log you posted, it seems there's a problem in the file "vlsp.dll". Some Googling for this file showed that it's what's known as "Layered Service Provider (LSP)" -- a kind of file that intercepts & manipulates network traffic. In many case, LSPs are used by adware & spyware components, but this one appears to be valid. It is used for "V-One Smartpass", related to a Wireless Networking Card. LSPs are very well-known for causing network problems and/or crashes, and this is what appears to be causing LimeWire to fail in your case.

I recommend upgrading your network card drivers (by visiting the manufacturer's website and downloading new drivers), and determing if you need this "V-One Smartpass" LSP. If not, you should remove it.

Let me know if this helps at all.

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