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Old February 21st, 2005
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Default latest pro version stops after 5 mins

just got the latest pro version for mac osx.

after 3-5 minutes the program disconnects and crashes. internet connect is hung whilst disconnecting and leaves the status of the connection as continually disconnecting
after this am unable to reconnect and have no option but to restart.

this is odd because when i downloaded limewire yesterday it quite happily ran for three or four hours before this happened,

tried this and the same happens

LimeWire 4.4.4jum394 OS X.dmg


dual 1.25 g4 2gb ram
latest version of lw. 4.4.5
alcatel speed touch usb modem
1mb connection
apple firewall on/off makes no difference
isp allows p2p/lw

can anyone pls help. v. frustrating

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