Forced IP is when you're behind a firewall, more notably a connection device that uses internal firewall such as NAT. It moreso applies to upload ability than downld ability but in rare cvircumstances may apply to both. It certainly is true that if you're uploading your search & downld results will be much better.
I see you Resume & use Find Sources buttons on your files. This is fine if it's on some during a session. But I don't recommend it for all files when you 1st open LW. It's most effective if you've previously been downlding from that source that session & search results for that file are present.
I personally believe more effective is to manually search the file topic. If it stops downlding stop it from the downld list & reselect it from the search results. Back that up with occasional new fresh searches to find new people online. See:
Also, you can downld whole albums if there's ones for the artist you're interested in are available. See:
Downlding whole albums & Albumwrap
Hope this is of some help!