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Old October 2nd, 2001
irish19144 irish19144 is offline
Join Date: September 28th, 2001
Location: Phylthydelfia, PA (Land of Taxes)
Posts: 5
irish19144 is flying high
Default Aaargh!

By 'no joy', do you mean you are downloading nothing or is there some other symptom?

If you type' let's say, "palmer" into the search bar, you should see a tab come up with that word on it and in short order you should start seeing files appearing in the selection window.

Providing your program actually has checked all hosts ( and there's over 400 in Moak's list, which takes a few minutes) then all should be well. If not, please give us a few specifics ( can't see any files, can't transfer between task items, can't see any transfers, don't like vanilla ice cream, etc.)

Remember that even tho you may have a file listed in your transfer window, there's a good possibility that the computer upon which that particular file resides is down for the nite ( some people still do that) and that Xolox will find and start downloading the file as soon as the resident computer reconnects to the net.

Sail on!

mandolin man