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Old February 22nd, 2005
Posts: n/a
Default Completed data downloaded amount dropping with each new host

I downloaded which immediately evolved itself to version

My completed download data amount loses 2000k or so everytime it connects to a new source host.

I tried disabling multi-source downloading, as everytime my client would drop one of its 4-7 hosts and pick up a new one, it would lose about 2000k of completed data. I went from 10,000k to about 5400k before I disabled this feature.

Now I'm downloading at a 10th of the speed from one host at a time, and when it switches hosts I still lose 2000k.

I tried downloading other files in an effort to rule out a corrupted file, but this happens with every file I download.

Honestly, at this rate I'll never complete a download.

I've got a DSL connection and a static IP.

Please help!
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