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Old February 23rd, 2005
Morb Morb is offline
Gnutella Admirer
Join Date: August 28th, 2004
Posts: 67
Morb is flying high
Unhappy transfers stop & freezes computer

Ok the basics here...
Windows XP Home Edition SP2
3Ghz P4, 512mb Ram, 20GB free space (80 Gig hard drive)
Roadrunner Cable Modem, no router, direct modem to ethernet port. I contacted my ISP and they say they don't filter anything. They had me reset my modem and check my connection as well.
I use zonealarm and the windows firewall, I also disabled both of these and it doesn't stop the problem.
I have a Sony Vaio notebook computer model # PCG-K35
Running Limewire Pro 4.4.4 sharing 200 files.

What seems to happen is I start Limewire and everything is fine, I get virtually a turbocharged connection and have no problems. I get a few downloads started and they're blaring away. All is good. After only a few minutes if that all transfers slow down to 0.00kb/s in just a few seconds and <1 minute after that the connection to the network is gone. Sometimes it will recover and start again though most of the time it doesn't.
At this point if I try to browse any web site, check email, use instant messanger programs or anything that connects to the internet, it just acts like there is no connection plus programs will not respond (will not say not responding) and will not close and cannot start any new programs. Curser moves though.

To solve this I have to either shut down the computer (by holding the power button if it doesn't want to respond) or unplug the ethernet cord. A few seconds after I unplug it, the computer starts responding and all is fine though no connection obviously. I've downloaded about 4 different versions of limewire and all do the same thing. I'd also like to note that winmx does this too.

Is there a fix for this or a setting to change?
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