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  #19 (permalink)  
Old February 23rd, 2005
mformel mformel is offline
Join Date: August 17th, 2004
Posts: 24
mformel is flying high

Hi Lizziebrad,

Your purchase, as you saw when you attempted it, did not go through. It was automatically voided. This also means that your information was not entered in our database, including your email address.

Our tech support team receives a large amount of email each day. Some of it is spam, some of it is from people who have been scammed... Due to both the volume of email received and the number of emails that are not from PRO customers, emails that do not come from an email address in our database are not given first priority.

This is almost certainly what occurred with the three emails that you sent. I can certainly understand your frustration at not receiving a reply to your email, and I hope you understand our position of giving PRO customers priority. They are, after all, the only way that we generate revenue to pay our development team who, in addition to creating the best p2p program EVER, do spend a lot of time assisting BASIC users in the forum.

I hope this clears everything up.
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