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Old February 24th, 2005
LeeWare LeeWare is offline
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Join Date: August 4th, 2002
Location: Chicago, USA
Posts: 321
LeeWare is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel

First, you information looks fine. I didn't study in detail but a simple glance says to me at least that everything is okay. I assume that you realize that your download speed is limited by the upload speed of the other end? This has been said over and over gain in this thread.

Let me give you a simple example.

Me 6Mbps / Down < = In OtherPeers 2Mbps / Down = > in
768Kbps /Up Out = > 256Kbps /Up <= out

Because Most P2P programs show the transfer speeds in KiloBYTES and not Kilobits you have to do the conversion.

Me 6Mbit / 8 = 750KB - 20% for overhead = 600KB
768Kbit /8 = 96KB - 20% for overhead = 76.8KB

Therefore, your maximum upload and download speeds as indicated by limewire will be 600KB in and 76.8KB out.

let's make the same calculations for the other side.

Otherpeers 2Mbit/ 8 = 250KB - 20% for overhead = 200KB
256Kbit / 8 = 32KB - 20% for overhead = 25.6KB

So, 25.6KB is the maximum this host would be able to send data to anyone. However, there's another factor Let's say that the other peer has his settings set to:

3 upload slots and 5 files per user. Let say that all slots are full and there are three people uploading from this user 25.6KB / 3 =

8.5KB or less per user is allocated. That's it! Now imagine the same situation where the person only have 128Kbps and they have their settings set to limit their upload bandwidth to 25% of their upload capacity

Here's the math:

128Kbit / 8 = 16KB - 20% for overhead = 12.8KB /3 users = 4.26KB per user soft limit set to 25% of upload capacity (0.25 * 4.26KB) = 1KB per user.

Unless there's something about your situation that makes you beleive that this is not the case. #1 you have not stated that here and #2 this is usually the problem and there's nothing you can do about it.

Hope this helps.
Lee Evans, President
LeeWare Development
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