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Old February 24th, 2005
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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Originally posted by Israelities et Buddist
I have tried to download from everysite and place I can think of.
Where else did you try to download from? Have you checked your system thru with a maintenance check. Clean your Registry: if you don't have such a utility you can pick one up here:

Download the newest version of Limewire (LW) & SAVE it to your hard disk drive! (DO not install over the net!) Now reboot your computer (a pain I know but just try it!) Now install LW. But don't have any other programs or net programs running whilst you're installing LW. It needs 100% of your CPU's concentration. If that doesn't work then do a SAFE Boot & try installing it then if possible.

Last edited by Lord of the Rings; February 24th, 2005 at 08:49 AM.
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