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Old February 24th, 2005
lizziebrad lizziebrad is offline
Join Date: February 17th, 2005
Posts: 13
lizziebrad is flying high

You can say that but why was my account debited with the amount of $18.88. Load af rubbish if you ask me. I have written it off as the learning process, even if sites like this propose that they are ligit, you can still be ripped off with them claiming that you did not sign up on a ligit site or some other exscuse. It has taken a week for somebody to attempt to try and explain it. At the end of the day I am $18.88 adrift from my account, and from all accounts even if things had gone right, I would not have gained much for the money that they asked. Stay with the free one, you would be far happier keeping your money in your account. This is my last comment about this site. I am now going to delete it and put it down to experience. I have downloaded 5 movies suppossingly to be Magic Roundabout only to find that they are Team America or something totally different from thier title.
On summery you get a load of crap!!!!
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