Alright, I've tried everything here and still can't get any of the java commands to work. I did install the program but, I think the problem is in my path. So, to recap on all the above posts...
If I edit my profile in /etc/profile, this is a systemwide change? No matter what user I login as that profile should reflect the changes I made to the path?
Second, if I make changes to the path in the profile and the are completly wrong, will they still show up when I type, "echo $PATH" ? Reason I'm asking is because no matter how many times I have changed my profile I dont see ANY of the changes when I run echo $PATH. So, that has me a little concerned... I've included some of my profile for laughs, because it's probably completely wrong but, hopefully other people can learn from it...
If anyone out there could help it would be GREATLY appriciated.
"$UID" = "0" ] && ulimit -S -c 1000000 > /dev/null 2>&1
if ! echo ${PATH} |grep -q /usr/X11R6/bin ; then
export JAVA_HOME