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Old March 4th, 2005
ukbobboy01 ukbobboy01 is offline
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Default PC Slow Down


The problem could be LW but have you tried a few housekeeping tricks and tips:

a) Run Ad-Aware SE and Spybot, to get rid of any hidden spyware/adware. Windows always slows down when a hard disk is burdened with hidden junk.

b) Run your anti-virus software, to kill off anything nasty running on your machine.

c) defrag your hard disk, this should be done once a month to keep your HD running at peak efficiency. A fragmented hard disk will always slow down access to and from itself as well as requiring more processing power.

Do the above and I am sure that will help your PC.

Meanwhile, others in this forum will give your more LW specific advice.

UK Bob
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