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Old March 4th, 2005
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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I don't know about BS temp files. Somebody else asked about Kazaa temp files before. I doubt it! All the incomplete file info is stored in a file called download.dat which is found in your incomplete folder. So if these downld prefs don't contain any history of these BS temp files then it's unlikely to utilise them.

Need more sources is when you your files cannot find enough sources (or have lost contact with) to download. Awaiting Sources is roughly the equivalent but is the last stage after having used the Resume/Find Sources button. I do not recommend using the Resume/FS button on many files. It's most effective if you've been downlding the files at an earlier time during that session & already have the search results for them available.

As far as sharing a large no. of files, if you find it takes too long to load them then rotate them. Lots of people do this. One month or week they'll share perhaps 25% / 50% of their files & then swap them around after that. You can add/remove shared folders either from Tools>Options>Sharing or from the Library window menu File>Add or Remove folder to share. I must say 28 GB is a lot, but I share the same GB (but about 3k files) lol. I guess it depends on the speed of your computer I suppose.

Some hints (links to links):

You can configure your firewalls here:

Last edited by Lord of the Rings; March 4th, 2005 at 02:50 PM.
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