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Old March 4th, 2005
maralicia maralicia is offline
Join Date: March 4th, 2005
Posts: 8
maralicia is flying high
Angry Limewire won't stay open

Ok, I need help! Here's the problem...

I open Limewire, and everything is fine. It opens up, and at the bottom, you see it trying to connect, then when it's running the DAAP stuff, it shuts down.

What am I doing wrong?


P.S. Thanks for the help in advance!


I'm running Windows XP, I've tried deleting Limewire completely, and the .limewire as well, rebooted my computer, then redownloaded it again. It's trying to load a thing called digital audio access p-somthing...and that's when it goes off...


Last edited by maralicia; March 4th, 2005 at 07:43 PM.
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