Changing stuff in LimeWire & Pro You can also change text colr and other colors too in the .limewire folder.
Open up any LWTP theme file with notepad. Here is what to change.
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Below are the areas in which to change colors
PRIMARY1_COLOR=#000000 (incoming searches checkbox check color)
PRIMARY2_COLOR=#000066 (top toolbar highlight background color)
PRIMARY3_COLOR=#CC0000 (options/search highlight background color)
SECONDARY1_COLOR=#00CCFF (all of the entire thin borders)
SECONDARY2_COLOR=#0000CC (search box background color)
SECONDARY3_COLOR=#CC0033 (search highlight background color again)
WINDOW1_COLOR=#339933 (most small text font colors)
WINDOW2_COLOR=#C7C9D1 (main background color)
WINDOW3_COLOR=#E9E9E9 (more border colors)
WINDOW4_COLOR=#000000 (most main search text fonts)
WINDOW5_COLOR=#000000 (search name box background color)
WINDOW6_COLOR=#ffff00 (search textbox background color)
WINDOW7_COLOR=#ccff00 (text box again)
WINDOW8_COLOR=#00ff00 (search results text font color)
WINDOW9_COLOR=#C8C8C8 (top toolbar text font color)
WINDOW10_COLOR=#FFFFFF (top toolbar highlight text font color)
WINDOW12_COLOR=#3C3C3C (top toolbar background color)
TABLE_HEADER_BACKGROUND_COLOR=#000000 (name/type/size background color)
TABLE_BACKGROUND_COLOR=#000000 (all textareas background color)
TABLE_ALTERNATE_COLOR=#333333 (secondary search background color)
SEARCH_FILTER_TITLE_TOP_COLOR=#818181 (select type search button colors
SEARCH_PANEL_BG_1=#333333 (search background color top)
SEARCH_PANEL_BG_2=#565656 (search background color bottom)
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