Thread: Mac Or Pc?
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Old March 5th, 2005
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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Lord of the Rings has a distinguished reputationLord of the Rings has a distinguished reputationLord of the Rings has a distinguished reputation

The user base is based on marketing. Mac is highly licenced. Although some companies have tried makeing mac clones, the licencing was too high. But for pc there is no such licencing. How many pc clones are you aware of? I'm sure there's many many more than you'e even aware of. Many that don't even get imported into your country. It reminds me of VHS V's Beta! Beta was the more superior format with recording cycles/frequency of double-speed of vhs (arguably double-quality or twice the amount of info recorded! I'd vouch for it!) But due to Sony's tight licencing, it died out due to marketing blunders. But mac has realised some factors of marketing at least & brought the price of their machines down by perhaps up to 25%.

I have to admit that it was the pc's constant issues (crashing & worse) & unreliability & then the early mac classic reliability that got me hooked. In comparison now it's very slow but it was almost always very reliable & predictable. Once hooked ... always hooked despite my times of pc's!
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