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  #3 (permalink)  
Old October 4th, 2001
Posts: n/a
Default You folks are idiots...

Do this:

Run Xolox (you do actually use the program, right?)

Click Tools.

Click Preferences.

Select the 'Network' tab.

There's a drop-down menu for upload speed. The reason it's selectable is that xolox can choke your connection when you're doing other things-- so, if you want to use 100% of your upload, select "Max" from the settings drop-down-- NOT 12.

Click apply.


I'm sharing about 60GB of "stuff" exclusively with Xolox, and it uses 100% of my 768kbit upload when I want it to... but it lets me crank it down to say, 12Kbytes/second when I'm playing Q3, so my pings don't go through the roof!
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