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Old March 7th, 2005
resto69 resto69 is offline
Extreme Death
Join Date: March 23rd, 2003
Location: Florida
Posts: 3
resto69 is flying high
Default try this

For all of your movie/game/application download needs.

Btw, your speed isn't soley governed by your machine speed (I have a homebuilt 1.8GHz P4 on cable and I've had 600 Kbps speeds). If you have dial-up...good luck getting anything in a timely manner. Cable/DSL can be slow as just depends on the uploader/downloader ratio. If you only have 2 upping the file and 200 downloaders....well, you do the math. has the same issues, but they tell you how many are uploading and how many are downloading. This way, you can choose which to download.

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