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  #4 (permalink)  
Old March 8th, 2005
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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No files are stored on LW servers!!! I think you're getting confused with napster or something. The files you download are from people like yourself, next door neighbour or somebody over the other side of the world. Yes riaa has been loading corrupt files on a no. of T3 connections to kill people's enthusiasm for downlding the newest songs. People downld them & dont always check them whilst they sit for some time in their shared folders.

I'd suggest you arm yourself with some safety tools:
1. A decent AV app.
2. ad-ware (FREE)
3. Spybot - Search & Destro (FREE)
4. Peerguardian: (FREE)

Perhaps a reboot might solve the mystery. I'm not sure why you have this problem. Perhaps try

If you consistently get corrupted files then it may be due to packet loss (line problems) or an anti-virus app playing up or a router or firewall that's not properly configured. Just some thoughts.

I have a suspicion you're getting confused between your shared folder & the incomplete folder. Yes some files in the incomplete folder will be 0 KB. Incomplete files are incomplete! It means you haven't finished downloading them yet. Once they've finished downloading, LW will 'move' them to the Shared folder. You can check by going to LW's Library window, select Saved Files (which is another name for your shared folder) & click the Explore button. (The Incomplete folder is not shared.)

Last edited by Lord of the Rings; March 8th, 2005 at 01:23 AM.
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