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Old March 8th, 2005
craig evans craig evans is offline
Join Date: March 6th, 2005
Posts: 6
craig evans is flying high

1. (a) Make sure you have the most recent version of Java. (b) Try the Standalone Java installer because installing over the net can cause side fx.

not sure what to do here? do i have to delete my current version of java and then load the standalone? if so is it just a matter of dropping the java file into the trash? i tried installing it with out deleting it and it wouldn't let me

2. Do a (a) Safe Mode start & (b) Repair Permissions, & then check with (c) Disk Utility & fsck, & if necessary run all other mac & 3rd party utilities (eg: DiskWarrior, Norton Utilities & AV, TechTool Pro) on your computer.

tried - no effect

3. Uninstall LW completely (do a complete search to make sure you have trashed every single LW item incl. prefs. - though you could move the incomplete files including download.dat & bak somewhere else temporarily.) Then reinstall.

i tried my best with this one - removed it from desk top / applications and utilities. how would i search for more?

4. Try out the LW Beta version (Pro users will find download link at bottom of their personal dwnld page)

did this - no change

5. Install in a new admin user account to isolate a home account problem

did this - then downloaded LW and tried to install. when i hit the install "lime button" it does it's little animation like it's about to install then does nothing. does it's little dance each time i click it but that's it.

6. Go back to earlier version of LW until a new update comes out.

doesn't seem to be an early version for OSX on the site anymore

7. (a) Be radical & start completely over by reinstalling OSX & updates & then LW (as last resort only.) (b) Else, & probably 'preferable' is to install the Apple Combo Standalone installer. Updating over the net can sometimes cause issues so using a standalone installer & in one installation hit such as the combo seems to overcome some of those issues.

haven't tried this - what's best way to do this? makes me a little nervous

8. Try the Jum Build which is a beta (more experimental than the regular LW beta) but easier to install.

won't let me download it for some reason

Last edited by craig evans; March 8th, 2005 at 07:35 PM.
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