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Old March 10th, 2005
mortarman mortarman is offline
Join Date: March 10th, 2005
Posts: 2
mortarman is flying high
Default trying to connect to Limewire in Iraq

I apologize if my questions might be redundant. The computer I'm on has WinXP. I have limewire vers. 4.8.1. I'm having problems with connecting. I get the error message limewire is unable to connect to hosts on Gnutella network. I've read through the support pages and forums and am not sure what I need to do specifically. I went to the connection>properties>advanced tab>firewall settings>advanced tab and added gnutella tcp,udp 6346 ports as described. I also did this in the exceptions tab. I've also deleted .limewire folder while limewire was shutdown(I didn't see a preferences folder). I was carried through the setup of limewire again. I still can't connect. I don't really know anything about the administrator because I'm stationed in Iraq and we just have a lan line ran to our building from a contractor. All he knows is the ip address for us to use. It is a satellite service. Could anyone give me some steps of what I can to do to go through and try to resolve my connectivity problems, unless you may know what my specific problems are. Thanks in advance.

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