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  #125 (permalink)  
Old March 11th, 2005
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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I don't know about WinMX b/c I use mac & there's no mac version of it. I use win LW purely for trouble-shooting. Sure some p2p apps (particularly those that use other nerdworks) are query frenzic! They send out query after query & repeat. But on the Gnutella network there's an agreement b/w the developers of the respectable p2p apps that they will develop their apps to run in a healthy manner on the network & not clog speeds due to traffic. ie: not sending out too many search queries. That's why it's very difficult to get earlier versions of LW, b/c to allow them to be still available would be irresponsible & not good for the network. There's some p2p apps out there who stick their thumbs (or finger) up at everybody & don't design responsible programs. So what would you prefer, a program that sends out query after query after query & wait half an hour or longer for it to finish & find your downlds suffer from heavy traffic speeds (which is what could potentially happen if the above isn't done), or would you prefer better downld speeds & accept a compromise in regards to finding sources. I'm sure the other members could word this better for they know a damned site more than me. By the way, I did use a mac program that works in a similar fashion to the other networks & this one also ran on another network.
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