Slow download Hi, yes I have the same problem with slow downloads! I used to use winmx and averaged about 60 - 70kbs on a 512kbs adsl broadband. I was then disconnected by my ISP because I changed my phone line from my name to my girlfriends. After 2 weeks I was reconnected and the highest speed I could obtain was 0-10kbs! About once a week the speed will shoot up and I will ave about 20kbs for about 5hours and then it drops back. I then dowloaded Limewire and unistalled winmx and that had no affect.
System spec:
OS XP Home
Ram 512mb
Broadband - 1mbs
510 Alcatel speed touch router
I have tried:
Network optimizers
Broadband tests for various sites including one with my ISP on the phone!
Formated my entire pc and installed only Limewire and XP
Logged another call with ISP, did more speed test and the results were as follows:
1st Speed test 156kbs on a 512kbs line
2nd speed test with network optimzer added = 182kbs on 512kbs line
ISP agrees to look into it no reply in over a week so I will be changing isp after 30days notice expires
Did speed test again a week later and speed is = 816kbs and I think they have up graded me to a 1mb line.
This has not changed my download speed for lime wire.
If I DL and program it starts at about 104kbs and drops down to 9kbs.
I can't think of anything else to to try? So please could someone help me.
Many thanks
Dazed and confused |