Awaiting sources shows that you have used the Resume button. Busy hosts mean that they have no upload slots available & are too busy. Your file needs to wait for a slot to become available. Why they can't connect when they show up in the search results, perhaps b/c you can't get a good enough connection ... this tends to happen more-so with dial up sources but not only. It's difficult to explain why. That's why it's best to download those that have a 3 or 4 star quality. That shows the potential of you connecting to them. Also best to choose those with multiple no. under the
# column showing that there's many sources with that file. Resume can be very effective but the best technique is to manually search for theat topic again.
Some hints: A well set-up LW can start to automatically continue its dwnlding after it's settled down perhaps 2 out of 3 times you open LW.
Optimising LW & Maximising Uplds & Dwnlds A (1st post only - but the firewall issue is not so much an issue nowadays) & also
Part B which is even better & last & least are
search & dwnld hints. The latter one I've been thinking about re-writing for some time. That's just for playing it safe. eg- I show all speeds & qualities.