lets be friends come on now boys, lets be friends. i was just kidding about the refund. two on one is not nice. believe it or not i can read and did read, just needed a little help getting the music into a file folder from limewire that i could get at from itunes. not all of us are as good on the computer as you boys are, i just did not understand, i guess your one up on me there. all i asked for was a little help, maybe you should post a warning "BEWARE OF ANGRY SUPER MODERATOR" (LOL) that was a joke. Im sure you get tired of the same old stuff, but thats what you do, if it bothers you that much take a vacation from it.
thanks for your help, and tell your buddy fabion, lighten up you can take care of yourself, and quite well. all i wanted to do was get my grand-daughters ipod ready for her birthday, thats what we gramma's do. ps fyi, i did finally find that little demo thing and printed it last night off your site and got the files downloaded. thank you "lord of the Rings". mission accomplished! this was kinda of fun. |