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Old March 20th, 2005
MamaTyson MamaTyson is offline
Join Date: March 20th, 2005
Posts: 3
MamaTyson is flying high
Unhappy ugh, I need help

I hope someone here can help me because Im starting to confuse myself reading all the posts on connection problems. I have done everything, deleting the preferences folder, etc...... This all started yesterday morning. I have had an excellent connection up until yesterday morning. Now it just says connecting the whole time. I woke up that morning and noticed my computer was off, well the power must have flickered that night because I had to reset my clocks. I start my computer and I have LimeWire set to automatically come on. I checked the songs and movies I had been downloading before I went to bed. Well, I never could connect! I have done everything to fix this. I didnt do anything different to my firewall before this happened. When I first downloaded LimeWire I went through the steps to allow it with my firewall. I have just windows firewall that came with sp2. My internet provider is direcpc (direcway) Thanks for any advice or help you can give.
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