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  #35 (permalink)  
Old March 21st, 2005
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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We do what we can ... simple as that! If we don't know then ... well if no other members/guests know or are willing to share then it's ...

Tougher than this is setting up a http proxy which somebody at university wants to do ... That is also another option. But I have no personal experience at proxies so have to rely on user feedback. But Peerless (a mythical dark horse mod) said he tried out a proxy with success so ... after all user feedback backed up with a mod's success ... it can be done by many but need's to be done with care ... not all proxies work for everybody ... that was pm'd to me by NeOteric himself. You need to find the right one (plus have LW set up correctly!)
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