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To start with, at the end of the day it's all a matter of personal taste, but the fact is that all forms of music compression like MP3 and WMA cut out parts of the original that are not relevant at first glance.
While a MP3 coded at high bitrate might sound good, compared to the original you can notice the difference IMHO.
Perhaps not on a pair of PC speakers but if your computer is connected to your Hifi (like I have done) you'll notice.
Now, is analog (tape, LP) better than digitized (CD) music ?
In theory not, a good digital recording picks up every pin drop, while on analog recordings this pin drop might get lost in background hiss.
The question is do you want to hear the pin drop ?
That all depends on the music you listen to.
Analog recordings might just sound better for some kinds of music.
e.g. Blues, blues should be played from a analog source over a Tube Amplifier so you'll end up with some hiss and the warm distortion of the amp.

While electronic music is better from a digital source played over a classA amp, everything clean and pure.
But as I stated , it's all a matter of personal taste.