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Old March 25th, 2005
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fabion fabion is offline
Lost In Time
Join Date: January 19th, 2005
Posts: 1,663
fabion is flying high

#1. waiting for busy host --- I frequently get this, especially when there are only one or two hosts that have the file. It basicaly means the host you are trying to d/l from are busy handling other request. If I leave it alone it will eventually change to waiting in line #. The # works its way down to one. Then you will connect and start to d/l.

This may take several hours depending of the hosts u/l speed.

#2 You can preview your movie while d/l. I have the best luck with mpg/mpeg and avi file types of 700 MB or larger. Depending on the movie length it may come in 2 or 3 parts. I filter out wmv and wma file types, as they contain a lot of spam and bogus file names.

#3 Yes if you have the right conversion software. Nero and Roxio are my preferences, but everybody has there own opinion, and some programs work better than others. Depends on the system setup. You can google this issue many have trial versions you can d/l.

For other helpful information and links, use the forum search (upper right), and read the various stickies in the forums.

Best of luck
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