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Old March 26th, 2005
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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You're talking my language with Toast & a mac lol! If you're burning a dvd you must choose UDF format. Which version of Toast do you have? For dvd's click on Data tab, then press the advanced button. Then choose DVD-ROM (UDF). ALso don't burn at max speed. Some set-top players are fussy for brand of dvd disk also. I use Verbatim mostly.

I've never tried burning an audio cd with CD-Text b/c I don't have a player that can recognise it (my stereo is many years old, lol) I don't know how to create CD-Text but, go to Toast's help & type in cd-text. Also go to their support site for more info.

Last edited by Lord of the Rings; March 26th, 2005 at 07:54 PM.
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