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Old March 27th, 2005
aussienutter aussienutter is offline
Join Date: March 26th, 2005
Location: Australia
Posts: 17
aussienutter is flying high

Lord of the Rings!
I have only used a dvd-rw once. I always have plenty of dvd-R's around and don't think to get a RW so the main reason for not using them. However as I said before you can't just insert the RW in the drive like you can with -R's.
I'm running 10.3.8 and have the G4 just before the G5 came out.
I don't know that we have a JB hi fi here, certainly not in my shopping area. I am in Adelaide. However I have used verbatin and will get a batch of those next time, I have never been confindent that it is the fault of the disk. I have been blaming the dvd player. Like your brother when we bought this LG Combo we thought it would play everything. I even took photo cd's made in iphoto as well as home video dvd's made in both idvd and toast to play in the unit we decided to purchase. They all played !!! I felt really confindent that I had purchased the right player, but no I definitely did not. Do you use mactheripper and dvd2oneX to do dvd copying? Can we discuss this on this forum?
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