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Old March 27th, 2005
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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I use DVD Backup or yade X (I do have mactheripper but I'm happy with the other 2) for extractions & dvd2oneX. If I only want a part of a movie then I'll use bbDEMUX to separate the audio & video, or/& Mpeg Streamclip to demux, edit & export to QT. I also use mACdec for audio & mpeg2decX for video for various purposes.

Yeah JB HiFi is a Melb co. but I thought they were nationwide.

As for your dvd-rw issue, I am aware that was an issue but can't remember off-hand how to do it. I can find out .. I used to be on the DVD Studio Pro forum. I thought this was overcome with OSX update but perhaps I'm wrong. Have you tried recently?

Quote from DSP forum: "SP2 will burn to a DVD-RW just fine. (I'm using a SuperDrive). You can Format to an -RW with no hitch. If you want to use the simple "Burn" command you need to insert the DVD-RW first, then choose "Ignore" when the Finder gives you a message about what to do with the uninitialized disc. Then hit "Burn" & you're gold."

To erase a DVD-RW, use Disk Utility. It's MUCH faster than Toast (2 minutes to erase a full DVD-RW on "Quick Erase" as opposed to 20-30 minutes in Toast). (BTW you can also quick-erase a disk using Toast!)


""Everything is built and burns fine. The Audio_TS, Video_TS and DVD.img are burned on the DVD disc."

This might be part of the problem. An .img file is useful if you're going to burn a DVD in Toast using the DATA tab. Your entire DVD is in the .img file and that's all you need.

If you burn a DVD from the Video_TS & Audio_TS files, that's all you want -- don't use the image file. Everything you need for the DVD is in the Video_TS folder. The Audio_TS folder will be empty, but some DVD players expect it to be there. Also, if you're burning with Toast, open your Video_TS folder & delete the files 'project'.layout & VOB_Data.lay. These are used in DVD-SP but are not needed with Toast. In earlier versions of Toast, burn from the DATA tab & select DVD-ROM UDF. In the latest version, you can burn under the DVD-Video from Video_TS tab.

Hope this makes sense."

As for CD-Text, once you have the text entered then just tick the option under advanced in Toast. As for how to get the names ... iTunes does a great job under the advanced menu: Get Track Names (can't seem to get that function to work in Toast.)

Don't know if the images below help at all. Actually when I insert a blank dvd-rw nothing happens. But use the above advice ...
Attached Thumbnails
How to keep info of download when burning on a cd-mac-osx-prefs-dvd.gif  

Last edited by Lord of the Rings; February 8th, 2006 at 11:37 AM.
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