this is really interesting! I've got exactly the same problem, although I'm using the newest version 4.8.1!
When I'm downloading two files, named the same (e.g.
new_picture.jpg [size: 100kb] and
new_picture.jpg [size: 167kb]), the file which finishs later overwrite the other one! It's unimportant which size they have...
But when I already have downloaded the file
new_picture.jpg [size: 100kb] and start another file with the same name after I've finished the first download, LW asks me "Overwrite exisiting file (new_picture.jpg)?"
So I think it's definitly a bug, which have to be fixed

LimeWire is such a great Programm, and I don't want use anotherone

Thx for answer!
Greets, Steve