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Old March 30th, 2005
stief stief is offline
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Ah--you shouldn't notice much of a slowdown, unless you are sharing a lot of popular files.

Limit the uploads to ~ 85% of your available upload speed (in the upload preferences). IIRC, you tested at ~90KB/s upstream, so try setting your throttle at ~70-80. You shouldn't notice much slowdown in browsing the web then.

If this slows the uploaders down too much, limit the number of slots available so they can get increased speeds from you. You can change the settings on-the-fly so see what works best by watching the uploads in the Monitors page.

Btw---you will want to keep an eye on your bandwidth, especially if your ISP has applied monthy bandwidth caps or throttles. Check with them (mine allows 60 GB/mo and I check the usage page that they provide daily ). With a similar connection to yours, running as an UP uses a bit less than 1 GB in 24 hrs.
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