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Old March 30th, 2005
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Originally posted by x3r0x
I want to install limewire again, Anything else I can do make sure my pc doesnt go slow?. I read somewhere that even when you are not using limewire and have exited.. it, People can still download files from your computer. What can i do to stop this, Because i think this is one of the reasons my pc slows.
To my knowledge that doesn't happen. If LW is fully closed it is then unaccessible to others.

As far as reducing processes, there are processes that run that really aren't needed. I came across this some time back. I've come across others also but didn't make a note of them.

Ways to reduce LW's taxing on cpu: most recent Java; set all uploads & downlds to autoclear; close all LW windows you're not using at that time via the View>Show/Hide menu, eg: monitor window, etc.; disable Ultrapeer capabilities under Speed setting; reduce upld speed to about 70-80%; reduce upload slots to something practical; reduce downld speed to 80-90%; don't use the Resume button to continue all your incomplete files ... this will definitely tax LW, your cpu, & possibly your connection quality; don't downld too many files simultaneously; leave LW to settle before using - perhaps 20 - 30 mins.; share less files.

That's some ideas off-hand. The more incomplete files you have & the more shared files then the longer it takes for LW to settle down.

Some people breathe some fresh life into LW via deleting all incomplete files that are 0% for example. After opening they click on the very top of the Progress bar so that all files are arranged by % downlded. Then scroll down to & select 1st with 0% & then scroll down to last with 0% holding SHIFT key select it so all those at 0% are selected. Then press the Stop button. Then go to incomplete folder & arrange it by size & delete all those at 0 KB. This can apparently speed up opening LW & give it a bit more energy so to speak.
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