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Old April 1st, 2005
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wfdrouinjr wfdrouinjr is offline
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Join Date: March 30th, 2005
Location: middle-a-nowhere, GA, USA
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wfdrouinjr is flying high
Default test page success but no incoming

Shielded Ultrapeer is a normal status for leaf nodes.

I'm not sure what it is you are attempting to accomplish?However, I think that you have done a lot more than you needed to.

With that being said. you will not become an ultrapeer if you you cannot receive connections.
becoming an ultrapeer IS what im trying to accomplish and not recieving IS the root of my problem i think.
i have broadband cable and even with the current tweaking i stay up longer than most of the ultrapeers i connect to.
while im finding a workaround id like to confirm my isp is blocking and post thier name HERE
However, I think that you have done a lot more than you needed to.
...i know i did...setting expert rules for LW in Zone Alarm caused a VERY weird effect and i had to delete those rules...they didnt help anyway...i might try to recreate that situation in future and post that "bug" elsewhere.
My recommendation do only that which is necessary to achieve the desired result.
...but i still dont have the "desired result"!!
thanks for the link it will prove usefull, but currently they only scan "common ports" 1-1024 not 6*** not 49152-65535.
btw the post about alternate ports was HERE
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