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Old April 1st, 2005
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ursula ursula is offline
Cleaning Lady
Join Date: May 17th, 2002
Location: koyaanisqatsi
Posts: 2,334
ursula is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel

Well, sure thing, 'Bruce' !!!

'Cept that me, and probably a small army of other curious type loonies also, have tried a search for the above named same and come up with several degrees of garbage below the hoped for result...

WOW, this one really is a challenge... Or it is totally made up to drive us nuts, nuts !!!

Me ?

I am stilling looking for the Sundunce Festival Live Recording of the Morgwen Tackleknackered Choir doing Jack Bruce's cover versions of Perry Como dreaming he could make as much money as Rod Stewart doing his world famous...

Regurgitation Hits, Mark XIV

is this OK, peerless, or are you looking for something a bit more punchy for the week-end editions ??? !!!

Last edited by ursula; April 1st, 2005 at 09:08 AM.
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